Scene: last day at the job

> new thread: vacation

Your name is Mary-Lou. You live on a planet colloquially called Ysito (that's based on the Name it was given when first discovered: Y5170. or was it Y2170?). You have been here for a few years only, and you work at a local shop that provides gas for the zeppelins and a few groceries. Your coworker and friend is called Artemis. He's a bit of a mystery sometimes but you can tell that he's a decent person, and that he has a shitty home life. To get him away from that, and because you're tired of this city and job, you've convinced him to go on a vacation with you. One week, just the two of you and of course fun and adventure: You happen to have two discount coupons for something cool.

Scene: travel to vacation place

> abandon opposition

> break pleasures

> new thread: Uvaitune was kept in the dark about technology

> assist nature

> NPCs: Ice, Vicar

On the way to the medieval planet Uvaitune, the small spaceferry that you're travelling on receives a transmission from your destination; which is quite concerning since, much like your homeworld, the people of Uvaitune are not actually aware of modern space travel. You and Artemis are the only passengers at this time and Ice, the captain of the spaceferry -- yeah, they insist to be called captain and even wear an old-fashioned ship-captain's uniform -- asks you to join them in the bridge for the the holochat trasmission, since this involves you as well.
The man sending the transmission is Vicar, a rough-looking sweet-talker who is hoping to blackmail the spaceferry crew and guests. He has found a crashed spaceship and is transmitting to you from there. "That is quite the secret that you lot are keeping from us. But I know all about the galactic council. And I will expose this information to my government if you don't give me passage, and 20,000 gold coins."
Ice is very concerned about this. They might lose their job if Uvaitune is no longer eligible for the Xtreme-LARP vacation that they're bringing you there for, but they don't want to do anything illegal. You are worried about your vacation ending before it even started and you can see Artemis tensing up so he must be worried too.
But you only have 22 of the local currency in your "locale-appropriate travel gear", as it was described at the travel agency, so you propose to negotiate in person.

Scene: negotiating with Vicar

> [interrupted]

> Chaos factor 4

> NPC: Guard Captain Auphrey

The ferry has a special invisbility-mechanic that you're not going to question right now. You hover close to the agreed upon meetup spot. A special hatch is opened and you and a rudimentary rope ladder is lowered from it. The three of you climb down to meet with Vicar in front of the abandoned ship, which is conveniently hidden behind shrubbery. But before you can talk you are intercepted:

"By my authority as Captain of the Guard, I hereby arrest you for the use of substances that harm your health as well as the health and image of our noble city! You're going to rehab, boy." The Captain is accompanied by two fellow guards and they point their weapons at your prospective blackmailer and march off with him, barely acknowledging you standing there. You don't intervene. You remind Artemis that you're not supposed to get involved in local affairs on this trip. You're not sure about this situation though. But at least your blackmail problem seems like it just got solved?

Ice seems to think the matter out of their hands. "I do not want to be involved in this. I just want to pilot my ship and break no laws." They don't object to you two having your vacation though. Your luggage is thrown down to you and then they are off.

Scene: deciding what to do

> [Altered] moving toward: vacation thread

# Event: away from: Uvaitune finding out about space (12)

> waste randomness

> (image prompt from unknown source) apple, explosion, diamond, drinking horn -> festival

# Event: PC pos: harm allies

> chaos factor: 5

Your name is Artemis. You are arguing with your friend, you feel like helping that guy who just got arrested fro drug use is the right thing to do, but ML is more concerned with finding a place to stay for the night. You begrudgingly let him take charge and follow in silence, because that is better than arguing.

You follow the road that the soldiers took, and upon crossing a hill you can see a town and also that they are hosting some kind of festival on a square.. town square. The road leads you right through it. There is a central stage with music and performance, food being prepared, and a big crowd. You also see the guard captain moving Vicar through the crowd, seeming distracted. But before you can move towards them, you notice that at the other side of the festivities are cages with animals; specifically a domesticated bear and a young deer. There's also an empty cage next to it, and a dead deer being roasted over a big fire. You drag Mary-Lou towards the cages, you need to save that deer from being eaten as well. You don't know why this is more important than helping Vicar or whatever, but it is.

As it turns out, the doors of the deer cage and of the bear cage share a lock. Who comes up with a design like this? The bear seems domesticated though and has a chain around his neck, so it's probably going to be fine... You ask Mary-Lou to stand guard. He rolls his eyes and repeats the thing about local affairs, but he's playing along.

You manage to quietly break the lock, open the door and jump into the deer's cage to startle it into running away. It's very effective: the poor animal jumps out and runs through the crowd in a panic. People are making way for it and yelling in surprise, and the noise seems to have scared the bear in the cage right next to you. It starts throwing itself against the bars and door, which comes open. The bear immediately jumps out. It barrels right into Mary-Lou. And then the chain attached to it's metal collar pulls taut and stops it from going any further. You estimate that it is now the part of the prank where one has to abscond, and run towards the forest.

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