
This is the written record of a solo campaign that I am currently playing. Because of this, the writing and notation style is a little inconsistent in the beginning until I find my footing with it. I use Dungeon World as the base game in theory and Mythic Game Master Emulator as the base game in reality. I include the rolls that I make in the written text, and sometimes they are required to understand what's happening, but most of the time they aren't. They will be provided in italics.

As a quick introduction, Dungeon World is a setting-agnostic Tabletop RPG that has a focus on fighting and gives it's players a lot of freedom and flexibility. Mythic GM Emulator is an engine to emulate a GM and answer questions about the world and "what happens next?". Its power lies in that, beyond yes/no questions, it helps you structure your game (into "Scenes", which are sometimes interrupted) and that it gives incredible prompts in the categories of actions and descriptions. Your job as a solo player is to interpret these prompts in a way that hopefully answers the question that you asked, and I have made the experience that with Mythic GM by my side I can counterbalance my ADHD and actually write an ongoing story, something I could only dream of before this. I also used some online NPC creation tools that I struggle to trace now, but UNE was probably among them.

The game features my beloved characters: Mary-Lou, originally developed by my friend and later given to me as she abandoned the project he was in. He has of course changed a bit since then. Then there is Artemis, originally just a silly idea "what if Hunter from The Owl House was emo" that quickly diverged from the original concept and is his own character now, though still with similarities to the inspiration. And Samyan, who came into being specifically for this story, and because I have ME/CFS and yearned to see somebody sick like me who could still thrive in a pseudo-medieval fantasy setting.

If you want to learn more about how Mythic GM Emulator works, I suggest purchasing the official release or listening to The Lone Adventurer or watching Me, Myself and Die, which were both personal inspirations to me and both do a great job at explaining and exemplifying the gameplay.

Without further ado, let's get to it. I hope you enjoy the story :3

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